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Wel Come to CEC Bishnupally, Hojai

Software Courses Details

Software Courses


Integrated Computer Application (ICA) or
Business Computer Application (BCA )

Duration : 3 Months
Qualification : HSLC appeared or above
Total Course Fees : Rs. 5,000/- (Lumpsum)
Installment : Rs. 3,000/- (at the time of admission) + Rs. 1000/- x 2 months

Diploma in Computer Application (DCA)
Duration: 6 Months
Qualification : HSLC or above
Total Course Fees : Rs. 7,000/- (Lumpsum)
Installment : Rs. 3000/- (at the time of admission) + Rs. 800/- x 5 months
P.G. Diploma in Computer Application (PGDCA)
Duration : 12 Months
Qualification : 10+2 or above
Total Course Fees : Rs. 15,000/- (Lumpsum)
Installment : Rs. 5000/- (at the time of admission)+ Rs. 1000/- x 10 months

Computer Engineering & E-Commerce (CEE)
Duration : 24 Months (4 Semesters)
Qualification : 10+2 ( passed / appeared may also apply)
Total Course Fees : Rs. 25,000/- (Lumpsum)
Installment : Rs. 5000 /- (at the time of admission) + Rs. 1000 /- x 20 months
Advanced Diploma in Computer Application (ADCA) 
Duration: 12 Months
Qualification : HSLC appeared or above
Total Course Fees : Rs. 15,000/- (Lumpsum)
Installment : Rs. 5000/- (at the time of admission) + Rs.1000/- x 10 months

Diploma in Advaced Software Application (DASA) 
Duration: 6 Months
Qualification : HSLC or above
Total Course Fees : Rs. 10,000/- (Lumpsum)
Installment : Rs. 4000/- (at the time of admission) + Rs.2000/- x 3 months

Software-Hardware-Network (SHN)
Duration: 3 Months
Qualification : HSLC appeared or above
Total Course Fees : Rs. 5,000/- (Lumpsum)
Installment : Rs. 3000/- (at the time of admission) + Rs.1000/- x 2 months
Diploma in Web & Graphics Designing (DWGD)
Duration: 6 Months
Qualification : HSSLC or above
Total Course Fees : Rs. 10,000/- (Lumpsum)
Installment : Rs. 5000/- (at the time of admission) + Rs.1000/- x 10 months
Diploma in Animation & Graphics (DAG
Duration: 6 Months
Qualification : HSSLC or above
Total Course Fees : Rs. 25,000/- (Lumpsum)
Installment : Rs. 10000/- (at the time of admission) + Rs.3000/- x 5 months

Diploma in Computer Software Application (DCSA
Duration - 6 months.
ELIGIBILITY : For Class IX and X Students (SEBA & CBSE)
Total course fees - Rs. 6,000/- (one time).
Installment : Rs 3000/- (on admission) + Rs 1000/- x 3 months.


Diploma in Computer Teachers’ Training (DCTT)
Duration - 6 months
Total course fees - Rs. 7,000/-   (one time)
Installment : Rs. 3,000/- (on admission) + Rs. 800 x 5 months

Diploma in Macintosh OS (D-MAC)
Duration - 6 months
ELIGIBILITY : 10+2 appeared
Total course fees - Rs. 15,000/-   (one time)
Installment : Rs. 5,000/- (on admission) + Rs. 2,000 x 5 months


WINDOWS Application, AutoCAD , I-Mac, MS-Office (Word, Excel, PP), Linux, Programming with C, OOP with C++, Advanced Programming, HTML/DHTML & FrontPAGE JavaScript/ VB Script , MS-Access PhotoShop + GIF animation ASP/JSP Oracle with VB Advance Java, Tally (Financial Accounting) , Internet Application, DTP ( Corel Draw, Pagemaker, Bi-Lingual SW ), V.B. (Professional), V.B. Net, Oracle / SQL Server, Core Java, Data Structure, Networking, VIDEO & Sound Editing, PROJECT Guidance, Advanced Excel.

                                          Call Me +91 9954 366 417

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